SQL Notifications: not very practical for large data sets
I ran into an interesting problem today with command-based SQL Notifications. We’ve recently introduced SysCache2 on a project as NHibernate’s level 2 cache provider, because of it’s ability to invalidate regions when underlying data changes, and I already wrote about some issues we had with it. Unfortunately we hit another road block today, this time with the queries for notification themselves.
Here’s the offending config:
<syscache2> <cacheRegion name="Tasks" relativeExpiration="9999999"> <dependencies> <commands> <add command="SELECT ID FROM Task" connectionName="Xyz" /> <add command="SELECT ID FROM TaskUser" connectionName="Xyz" /> ... </commands> </dependencies> </cacheRegion></syscache2>
Can you spot the bug here that will result in an unhandled exception in ISession.Get()?
Nope? Neither could I for most of this afternoon.
Query for notification timeout errors
The problem is that the Task and TaskUser tables have four and six million rows respectively. SELECT ID from TaskUser takes over 90 seconds to execute. At this speed, by the time we have re-subscribed to the query notification, new data would have already been written by other users.
Depending on your exact scenario, you have several options:
- Refactor the database schema to remove rows from these tables that aren’t likely to change.
- Accept the slow query subscription.
- Enable caching, but ignore changes from these tables.
- Limit the command to only cover rows that are likely to change, e.g. SELECT ID FROM Task WHERE YEAR(DueDate) = 2009.
- Disable level 2 cache for these entities entirely.
Accepting the slow query subscription only works if you have very infrequent writes to the table, where it is worth caching rows for a long time.
For us, the high frequency of writes to these tables means that we would be invalidating the cache region all the time, and limited sharing of data between users doesn’t give much benefit in caching. Also blocking a HTTP request thread for 90 seconds is not feasible. So we chose the last option and now don’t bother caching these tables at all.
By the way, while working on this problem, I submitted my first patch to NH Contrib that adds a commandTimeout setting to SysCache2.