Semantic CSS grid layout with LESS

Semantic CSS grid layout with LESS

I have a confession to make. After eight years since we first met, I still don’t quite get CSS.

Sure, I can do typography, sprite backgrounds and understand the basics of the box model. I even know about browser-specific CSS extensions for CSS3 effects. But when it comes to clearing floats, vertically-aligning form elements or figuring out inline parents with block children, I go to a very dark place and start cursing.

I freely admit my CSS layout and positioning skills are lacking, and I probably shouldn’t even be blogging about it. But when I discovered CSS grid frameworks, I was naturally interested — anything that helps me get up and running quicker in a foreign language is a win.

Grid frameworks: CSS for dummies

For those that don’t know, grid frameworks like 960gs, YUI grids and Blueprint CSS provide a simple 12, 16 or 24 column grid that abstracts away complicated CSS layout and positioning rules.

For example, using the Blueprint CSS framework, this markup produces the following layout, neatly centered in the middle of the browser window:

<html><head>    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="blueprint/screen.css" /></head><body>    <div class="container">                <div class="push-4 span-15">header</div>                <div class="push-4 span-4">menu</div>                <div class="span-7">main</div>                <div class="span-4">ad space?</div>                <div class="push-4 span-15">footer</div>    </div></body></html>

How easy was that? As a CSS newbie, not having to worry about floats, clears, negative margings and other positioning tricks is a very attractive proposition.

So CSS grids are very powerful for quickly laying out elements. But there is a trade off you should consider — HTML marked up with grids is not at all semantic. Peppering your HTML with classes like .span-12 or .yui-t3 for layout is no better than specifying table widths and heights everywhere.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could keep using these grid classes, but somehow mask them behind semantic class names?

LESS: CSS preprocessor

About the same time I discovered grids, I stumbled upon LESS: a ‘leaner’ CSS command-line preprocessor that extends CSS with its own syntax and features. The .NET port, .Less, has a smaller feature set than the rails version, but it lets you do stuff like this:

.rounded_corners {        @radius: 8px; /* variables */        -moz-border-radius: @radius;        -webkit-border-radius: @radius;        border-radius: @radius;}#header {        .rounded_corners; /* mix-ins */        img.logo { /* nested styles */                margin: (@radius * 2) + 1px; /* expressions */        }}#footer {        .rounded_corners;}

I have .Less is setup as an HttpModule in my web.config. It intercepts any requests to *.less files, translates them to real CSS, and optionally minifies (compresses) them. So you can you can simply reference the .less file directly in your markup, with no extra compilation step required:

<head>    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="site.less" /></head>

Grid CSS frameworks + LESS = semantic grids

I’ve been using LESS for a few weeks now, and to be honest, I never want to go back to writing ‘raw’ CSS again. So what happens when you combine the CSS grid framework with LESS? Here’s the new stylesheet:

@import blueprint/screen.css;div.container {        div.header {                .push-4;                .span-15;        } {                .push-4;                .span-4;        }        div.main {                .span-7;        }       {                .push-4;        }                div.footer {                .push-4;                .span-15;        }}

All that’s left is semantic class names using grids styles as mix-ins. Now the markup is looking acceptable again:

<html><head>    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="site.less" /></head><body>    <div class="container">                <div class="header">header</div>                <div class="menu">menu</div>                <div class="main">main</div>                <div class="ads">ad space?</div>                <div class="footer">footer</div>    </div></body></html>

Using grid classes as mix-ins gives us the best of both worlds — you get the power of the grid CSS framework, but without introducing layout concerns to your markup.

IUnityContainerAccessor must use a static container instance

IUnityContainerAccessor must use a static container instance

I found an interesting problem this morning when my ASP.NET MVC application mysteriously broke after adding an HttpModule in the web.config. Here’s the problem code:

public class MvcApplication : HttpApplication, IUnityContainerAccessor{    IUnityContainer container;        public IUnityContainer Container    {        get { return container; }    }    public void Application_Start()    {        this.container = new UnityContainer();        // this.container.RegisterTypes etc    }

The container was being configured fine in Application_Start, but then UnityControllerFactory would throw “The container seems to be unavailable in your HttpApplication subclass” exceptions every time you tried to load a page — this.container was somehow null again.

After doing a little digging and finding this article where someone had the same problem with Winsdor, it seems ASP.NET will create multiple HttpApplication instances when parallel requests are received. However, Application_Start only gets called once, so anything you would like to share between multiple instances (e.g. your IoC container) must be static:

public class MvcApplication : HttpApplication, IUnityContainerAccessor{    static IUnityContainer container; // good    IUnityContainer container; // bad, not shared between HttpApplication instances        public IUnityContainer Container    {        get { return container; }    }

Domain entities vs presentation model objects

Domain entities vs presentation model objects

This is the first half of a two-part article. Read the second half here: Domain entities vs presentation model objects, part 2: mapping.

When putting domain driven design (DDD) principles to practice in a real application, it’s important to recognize the difference between your domain model and presentation model.

Here’s a simple real-life example from a little MVC application that displays a to-do list of tasks. The task domain entity is very simple, with an identifer, a name and an optional due date:

// task domain entitypublic class Task{    public int Id;    public string Name;    public DateTime? DueDate;    // ...etc}

Pretty much everything we want to know about this Task can be derived from its properties via Specifications. For example, an OverDueTaskSpecification will tell us whether or not the task is overdue by checking if the due date has already passed, and an UnscheduledTaskSpecification will tell us if the task is scheduled by checking if the due date is null.

However, when rendering the task to the user, the application’s view must remain dumb — a passive view — and cannot work this sort of stuff out for itself. It is not enough to simply pass a collection of domain entities to the view; all relevant details must be explicitly provided so the view has all the information it requires without having to do any work itself.

Together, all these UI-specific details form a presentation model object, which is effectively identical to a DTO in that it has only carries data and no methods or behaviour of its own (some people call them PTOs). Here’s what my application’s presentation model object for a task looks like:

// task presentation model objectpublic class TaskView{    public int Id;    public string Name;    public string DueDate;    public bool IsUnscheduled;    public bool IsOverDue;    public long SortIndex;}

The ID and name fields are exactly the same, but DueDate is now a string which will either hold a friendly-formatted date or ‘Anytime’ if the task is not scheduled. Unscheduled and overdue are now explicit flags so the view can immediately identify tasks that need special display like highlighting.

Most of the front-end user interaction in this application is implemented via JavaScript, so we need an index for sorting and appending tasks in the correct order. It needs to be simple to parse and fast to compare, so I chose a long integer which is resolved from the due date.

Note this is a very simple example with only one domain entity class which we just added some new properties to. Most real scenarios will require some degree of flattening aggregate object graphs into a single class, and hiding of fields which are not relevant.

In the big scheme of things, presentation model objects are defined in the application layer (see the Onion Architecture), where they are validated and mapped between domain entities. All public interfaces to the application layer are expressed in terms of presentation model objects, so domain entities do not leak into the UI layer.

In an ASP.NET MVC application for example, presentation model objects would be used as the Models for all views and action results.

Update: a friend asked me total why I don’t format DueDate in the view, as proper MVC separation of concerns would dictate. The reason is that as well as rendering them directly in the view when a page is requested, this application also sends presentation model objects to the client via AJAX. I decided that having one single place (instead of two) where tasks’ DueDates are formatted would make maintenance easier in the long run.

Back to basics: exception handling in .NET

Back to basics: exception handling in .NET

Following on from my article on good source control check-in habits, I’ve got a few tips I’d like to share on exceptions in .NET. These are basically all responses to things I’ve seen done in production code before.

Write a method that throws — don’t return success/failure codes

Here’s a C function I wrote a couple of years ago for an application a couple of years back that listens for messages via UDP:

int bind_udp_server(struct udp_server * server){        server->socket_descriptor = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);        if (-1 == server->socket_descriptor)                return -1; /* bail out */                if (!set_non_blocking(server->socket_descriptor))                return -1;  /* bail out */                ...                if (-1 == bind(server->socket_descriptor,                        (struct sockaddr *) &server_addr,                        sizeof(server_addr)))                return -1; /* bail out */                return 0; /* socket bound successfully */}

C has no formal mechanism for functions to return to their caller when exceptional behaviour is encountered. Instead they typically return an integer status code (e.g. 1 or 0) to indicate success or failure.

Clients using these functions must check for errors after every call. Because of this:

  • Your real application code can be much harder to follow when it’s hidden amongst all the error handling code (which probably only executes in rare circumstances anyway).
  • If you accidentally omit a return code check and something fails, your program will continue happily executing as if nothing happened. Problems might not become apparent until several operations later, making it much harder to track down the original issue.
  • Because you have to check for errors the whole way (and at different levels), there will be a lot of duplicated code, violating the DRY principle.
  • Error codes can overlap with legitimate return values, making it hard to indicate when an actual error has occurred. This is known as the semipredicate problem.
  • Sometimes things happen that are so catastrophic, you don’t even bother with a strategy for trying to cope with them. For example, it might be perfectly acceptable to die if malloc() fails, unless you’re fully equipped to keep your program running when the machine is out of memory.

Languages like .NET are free from these worries because they use a different strategy: assume everything will always succeed (try), and handle any problems later in one single location (catch).

public void Foo(){    try    {        DoSomething();        DoSomethingElse();        DoThirdThing();    }    catch    {        // bail out    }}

This lets you focus on the success case (the one that actually matters), instead of cluttering your code up with error handling.

Unfortunately, it seems a lot of .NET developers only think of exceptions as things you need to catch when calling the Base Class Library, and shy away from throwing and catching their own exceptions. Instead, I see kludges like:

if (!DoSomething())   // bail out

Or even this one, which simulates Exception.Message:

string errorMessage = DoSomething();if (errorMessage != "")   // bail out

The golden rule is, if your method encounters a condition that prevents it from achieving its intended purpose, it should throw an exception.

Re-throwing exceptions

Do you know the difference between the two following code snippets?

catch (Exception ex){        // log the exception        ...                // re-throw        throw ex;}catch (Exception ex){        // log the exception        ...                // re-throw        throw;}

The first example resets ex’s stack trace to the current location. This is fine when you’re throwing a brand new exception, but not so good if you’re just passing one along — you’ll lose the stack trace telling you where it originated from.

To preserve the stack trace, just use “throw” by itself with no argument, as in the second example.

Use parameterless catch/throw if you don’t care about the details

You don’t have to specify any parameter name in your catch block if you don’t need the exception object itself:

catch (SqlException){        // rollback transaction        // rethrow        throw;}

This is handy for eliminating that “variable ‘ex’ is not used” compiler warning. In fact, if you don’t care about the type, you can get rid of the brackets altogether:

catch // anything{        // handle the exception}

But be careful with one — in 99% of situations, we do care what the type is.

Only catch exceptions you can handle

Imagine you are working on some code that tries to parse some user input as an integer. If it’s invalid (e.g. not a number), we’ll display an error message.

int value = 0;try{        // forget about TryParse() for the moment :)        value = Int32.Parse(someUserInput);}catch (Exception ex){        // invalid input}

What’s wrong with this? We’ve specified that this catch block is capable of handling any type of exception, no matter how severe or unrelated. They’ll all be interpreted as validation errors — OutOfMemoryException, ThreadAbortException — even NullReferenceException (which might indicate an actual bug in the code).

In reality, however, all we really care about is a very narrow subset of exceptions: those that indicate the number couldn’t be parsed correctly.

int value = 0;try{        value = Int32.Parse(someUserInput);}catch (FormatException ex){        // invalid input}

Only catch exceptions you anticipate could be thrown as a consequence of the code within your try block. Don’t try to handle anything outside that window, unless you have a specific strategy to deal with it.

Multiple catch blocks

Here’s an example of some code I saw at my last job, that did different things depending on the type of exception:

try{        ...}catch (Exception ex){        if (ex is FileNotFoundException)                // do stuff        else if (ex is IOException)                // do stuff        else                // ???}

Yuck — using reflection and a big if-statement to differentiate types is generally a sign of bad code in .NET (or any OO language), and catch blocks are no exception (ba-dum-psh). Instead, use multiple catch blocks with overloads for different exception types. At runtime, the .NET framework will call the first matching catch block, so you need to specify them in most-to-least specific order:

try{        ...}catch (FileNotFoundException ex){        // file not found (subclass of IOException)}catch (IOException ex){        // some other file-related error}

Inner exceptions

In .NET, low-level exceptions can be wrapped up into a higher-level context that makes more sense in the grand scheme of things. For example, a CouldNotOpenDocumentException might be caused by a FileNotFoundException. This is reflected in the Exception.InnerException property, and inner exception each is complete with its own error message and stack trace.

Here’s some code I saw once for unwrapping them, via a loop:

try{        ...}catch (Exception ex){        // get exception details        string errMessage = ex.Message + ex.StackTrace;        Exception innerException = ex.InnerException;        while (innerException != null)        {                errMessage += innerException.StackTrace;                innerException = innerException.InnerException;        }        // log errMessage}

This code is pretty redundant (and ugly), as the .NET framework will do this for you. Exception.ToString() will print out the exception’s message and stack trace, then call itself on the inner exception:

try{        ...}catch (Exception ex){        // get full stack trace        string errMessage = ex.ToString();        // log errMessage}

This will return a complete dump of the inner exception tree, producing a message like:

Could not get OSM Status menu item status. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.   at SMS.Common.GetOSMMenuStatus(Space oSpace) in D:DevXYZSourceXYZ.WebsiteCodeCommonCommon.cs:line 1051   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---   at SMS.Common.GetOSMMenuStatus(Space oSpace) in D:DevXYZSourceXYZ.WebsiteCodeCommonCommon.cs:line 1058   at SMS.Common.AppendSMSNav(Space& oSpace, DateTime& dtSMSDate, DateTime& dtStartDate, DateTime& dtEndDate) in D:DevXYZSourceXYZ.WebsiteCodeCommonCommon.cs:line 837

Another tip for is finding the root inner exception — the original cause. The developers from the previous example chose to drill through InnerExceptions in a loop until they reached the bottom (null). An easier way would just be to call Exception.GetBaseException().

Defensive coding

To write robust and idiot-proof code, you have to assume people are going to try to break it. This means checking input parameters are valid at the start of every method.

You should continue this habit all throughout internal application methods as well, so bad data gets stopped short at the point of origin, instead of trickling through and causing problems later on.

public class ProjectsController : Controller{    IProjectRepository projectRepository;        public ProjectsController(IProjectRepository projectRepository)    {        // better to have an exception here, when the controller is constructed...        if (projectRepository == null)            throw new ArgumentNullException("projectRepository");        this.projectRepository = projectRepository;    }    public ActionResult Detail(string name)    {        // ...than down here, when an action gets called.        Project p = this.projectRepository.GetByName(name);        return View(p);    }    ...}

Note that Microsoft’s Spec# contracts will make these sorts of checks much easier in future, with built-in syntax for not-nullable parameters:

public ProjectsController(IProjectRepository! projectRepository){    // method will not be entered if projectRepository is null    this.projectRepository = projectRepository;}

Plus these rules are enforced at compile time as well! So the following line would not build:

ProjectsController controller = new ProjectsController(null); // error

See Microsoft’s article on Best Practices for Handling Exceptions for more .NET exception tips.

Generating documentation with Doxygen

Generating documentation with Doxygen

A few days ago, I had my first experience with Doxygen, an open-source documentation generator similar to Javadoc.

After a few hours of documenting my code to a satisfactory level, I had a very professional-looking set of HTML documentation. At work the next day, I used Doxygen to generate code for a Visual C# class library, which had been documented with XML comments.

Doxygen supports most C-derived programming languages including C, C++, Java and C#. It also allows you to define custom pages and sections; you are not limited to code documentation.

Documenting a method is very simple:

/// @brief Calculate the sum of two values.////// Adds the two values together and returns their sum.////// @param[in] aa The first value./// @param[in] bb The second value.////// @return The sum of both values.////// @note This method is deprecated!////// @see operator+()int add(int aa, int bb);

A full list of Doxygen commands is available.