Lately, I’ve seen a disturbing misconception about DDD crop up a couple of times in online and offline discussions. Here it is:
Ubiquitous language is sourced exclusively from the business. The developer side has no input, and must adopt whatever vocabulary they are given.
This is only true in situations where your project team is a Conformist to some upstream model. For example, if you’re developing an XML library, it’s probably best to stick to standard terms like Element and Attribute, than start inventing your own names for things.
In all other situations, however, you have more say. For example, if you’re developing a standalone business app from scratch, and a domain expert suggests a name for something that you think doesn’t quite fit, suggest a better one. Refining the ubiquitous language into a suitable abstraction is a team effort involving both developers and domain experts, and more often than not it flows back into the business as staff start to use the system. So it had better make sense!