One of the most important concepts in Domain Driven Design is the Aggregate Root — a consistency boundary around a group of related objects that move together. To keep things as simple as possible, we apply the following rules to them:
- Entities can only hold references to aggregate roots, not entities or value objects within
- Access to any entity or value object is only allowed via the root
- The entire aggregate is locked, versioned and persisted together
It’s not too hard to implement these restrictions when you’re using a good object-relational mapper. But there are a couple of other rules that are worth mentioning because they’re easy to overlook.
Real-life example: training programme
Here’s a snippet from an app I am building at work (altered slightly to protect the innocent). Domain concepts are in bold:
A Training Programme is comprised of Skills, arranged in Skill Groups. Skill Groupscan contain Sub Groups with as many levels deep as you like. Skills can be used for multiple Training Programmes, but you can’t have the same Skill twice under the same Training Programme. When a Skill is removed from a Training Programme, Individuals should no longer have to practice it.
Here’s what it looks like, with our two aggregate roots, Training Programme and Skill:
Pretty simple right? Let’s see how we can implement the two behaviours from the snippet using aggregate roots.
Rule #4: All objects have a reference back to the aggregate root
Let’s look at the first behaviour from the spec:
…you can’t have the same Skill twice under the same Training Programme.
Our first skill group implementation looked this like:
public class TrainingProgramme { public IEnumerable<SkillGroup> SkillGroups { get; } ... } public class SkillGroup { public SkillGroup(string name) { ... } public void Add(Skill skill) { // Error if the Skill is already added to this Skill Group. if (Contains(skill)) throw new DomainException("Skill already added"); skills.Add(skill); } public bool Contains(Skill skill) { return skills.Contains(skill); } ... private IList<Skill> skills; }
What’s the problem here? Have a look at the SkillGroup’s Add() method. If you try to have the same Skill twice under a Skill Group, it will throw an exception. But the spec says you can’t have the same Skill twice anywhere in the same Training Programme.
The solution is to have a reference back from the Skill Group to it’s parent Training Programme, so you can check the whole aggregate instead of just the current entity.
public class TrainingProgramme { public IEnumerable<SkillGroup> SkillGroups { get; } // Recursively search through all Skill Groups for this Skill. public bool Contains(Skill skill) { ... } ... } public class SkillGroup { public SkillGroup(string name, TrainingProgramme programme) { ... } public void Add(Skill skill) { // Error if the Skill is already added under this Training Programme. if (programme.Contains(skill)) throw new DomainException("Skill already added"); skills.Add(skill); } ... private TrainingProgramme programme; private IList<Skill> skills; }
Introducing circular coupling like this feels wrong at first, but is totally acceptable in DDD because the AR restrictions make it work. Entities can be coupled tightly to aggregate roots because nothing else is allowed to use them!